TXT Jeffrey Zhou | Otter Advising
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From USA

University of Pennsylvania,

Class of 2020

Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology

Major: Computer & Information Science, Finance, Management

Jeffrey is a recent UPENN graduate, and Incoming Consultant at Oliver Wyman in NYC.  In his free time, he enjoys playing ice hockey, Poker, Investing, and practicing Tennis.


In high school, Jeffrey was part of DECA, Varsity Ice Hockey, Class Council, Math Club, Bio Club, and played in the school Orchestra.


He was accepted ED into the Jerome Fisher Program in Management & Technology. He was a student athlete at the high school and college level. He is freshly out of college and thus has a holistic perspective on the entire process from high school college application season, to starting out freshmen year in a new environment with new friends, to navigating the club application process, to the recruiting season and thinking about ones career. 






INTERESTS:Data analytics/data science, strategy consulting, mobile application development/design

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